Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Laynie's Many Costumes

OK, so who says Halloween is just one day?!?! Well, I suppose everyone does, but this family celebrates for a week! Thanks to Mimzy, Grandma, and Mom, Laynie managed to have an array of costumes. Above is her Japanese outfit that Mimzy got in Disney World last year.

Here's Captain Hook (bought at the Deerfield Yard Sale Day)

Obviously, Elayna would have to wear something pink. Here is her fairy costume (thanks to Mimzy again)

This flower costume is the one Laynie herself picked out and Mom bought. She liked it because it had a lady bug on it!

Here was the final costume, a goat of course. Mimzy found the pattern and her and Grandma put it together. It was perfect for a cold night of trick-or-treating. And, it's big enough that she should be able to wear it again next year:)

She was obviously having a great time!

Laynie got into the spirit of trick-or-treating pretty quickly. There is a hay ride that takes kids around all the houses here so everyone can enjoy a safe and fun experience! She took the bag her Aunt Devon made for her and jumped on the wagon with Mom and Mimzy. At first she wasn't so sure, but once she figured out that you got free candy from people she was all in! we stayed on the wagon for an hour until Mom got too cold and Dad came and got us. All in all it was a great time and we're looking forward to next year!

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